You may be ticketed and fined for not have one.

the wording of the law was pretty vague about if having it in that location was ok or not so I fought it because I was poor and in college and won so I guess never got a front license plate ticket I've also never had a front plate on my Porsche and over the last 8 years I. Markers requirements concerning display of fictitious or wrong numbers, etc. However, (2) (a) is clear that the plate must be horizontal, securely fastened & clearly visible. 3 questions 1) Does a no front plate ticket in NJ add points to your driver's license? 2) Does a no front plate ticket in NJ affect your insurance rates? 3) Is the answer to 1 and 2 affected by the fact that I have a NY license even though my car is registered in NJ (NJ plates)? How much is a ticket for no front license plate in Texas? Per the Texas Transportation Code Section 504. How much is the fine and are there any points that go along with it. I got my Model Y in April 2020 and do not have a front license plate on the car. 4677 Views 29 Replies 25 Participants Last post by Nelson, Nov 3, 2008. According to the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 402, a person cannot operate, drive or park a vehicle unless it has a distinctive number (license plate) assigned to it. In texas, I can not give you a citation for no front plate if you are from another state. Month and a half later I was parked in downtown Minneapolis and when I got back to the car there was a $118 ticket. I prefer the look of the car with no front plate.